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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 [ 183 ] 184 185 186

701. Burgess В. An Experimental Determination of the Pha.se Delay of VLF Radio Waves Propagation Over Great Distances.-MF, LF and VLF Radio Propagation. Conference Publ. Nov., 1967, N 30, 159.

702. Pierce J. A. The Diurnal Carrier - Phase Variation of 16 A-c/s Transatlantic Signal.- Proc. Inst. Rad. Eng. 1955, 43, N 5; 1957, 45, N 6.

703. Challinor R. A. The Interpretation of Recently Measured Iropagation Constants for Audio Frequency Electromagnetic Waves in Terms of Model Ionosphere Profiles. - J. Atmos. and Terrest, Phys., 1967, 29, 803, 995.

704. Wait J. R. A Comparison Between Theoretical and Experimental Data in Phase Velocity of VLF Radio Waves. - Proc I. R. E. 1961, 49, 6.

705. Pierce J. Nath S. C. VLF Propagation. Annual Progress Rep. Graft Laboratory Harvard University, 1961, N 60, 1.

706. Kamos G., Morgan A. H., Jespersen J. L. New Measurements of Phase Velocity at VLF. - Radio Sci., 1966, 1, N 12.

707. Chapman F. W., Matthews W. D. Audiofrequency Spectrum of Atmospherics. - Nature, 1953, 172, 495; 1950, 177, 930.

708. Budden K. G. The Propagation of Very Low Frequency Radio Waves to Great Distances. - Philos. Mag., 1953, 44, 504.

709. Шуман В. О. Распространение сверхдлипных электрических волн и молниевых разрядов вокруг Земли. - В сб. Проблемы современно!! физики , 1055, № 7; Z. Angew. Phys., 1952, 4, 474,.

710. Schumann W. О. Uber eloctrischo Eigeuschwingungen des Holilrauraes Erd-Lult- Ionosphere erregt durch Blitzentladungen. - Z. angew. Phys., 1957, 9, 373.

711. Альперт Я. Л., Бородина С. В. О скорости раС!!ространения электромагнитных волн звуковой частоты. - ЖЭТФ, 1957, 3, № 5.

712. Альперт Я. Л., Флигель Д. С. Синтез форм атмосфериков и эффективные параметры нилшей !Т()носфери на низких частотах. - Радиотех!1ика и электроника, 1959, 4, 202.

713. Флигель Д. С. Си!1тез форм атмосфериков. - Тр. ИЗМИРАН, 1960, вып. 17 (27); 1967, 7, № 5.

714. Jean А. G., Taylor W. L., Wait J. R. VLF Phase Characteristics From Atmospheric Wave Forms. - J. Geophys. Res., 1960, 65, 907.

715. Wait J. R. On the Theory of Schumann Resonances in the Earth-Ionosphere Cavity. Canad. J. Phys., 1964, 42, 716.

716. Lynn K. J., Crouchley J. Night Time Splieric Propagation at Frequencies Below 10 khz.- Austral. J. Phys., 1967, 20, 101,

717. Rycraft M. J., Wormell T. W. The Natural ELF Electromagnetic Noise in the Band 2-40 cfs. Apparatus an l sotpj! Preliminary Results. Propagation of Radio Waves at Frequencies Below 300 kc/s, 1964.

718. Chapman F. W., Llanwyn Jones D. Earth-Ionosphere Cavity Resonances and the Propagation of Extremely Low Frequency Radio Waves, - Nature, 1964, 202, 6o4.

719. Llanwyn Jones D. Schumann Resonances and ELF Propagation for Inhomogeneous Isotropic Ionosphere Profiles. - .1. Atmos. and Terrest. Phys., 1967, 29, 1037; J. Geophys. Res., 1964, 69, 4037.

720. Burton E. Т., Boardman E. M. Audio Frequency Atmospherics. - Proc. I. R. E 1033, 21, 1476.

721. Potter R. K. Analysis of Audio Frequency Atmospherics, - Proc, Inst, Rad. Eng. 1951, 39, 1067.

722. Outsu J. Numerical Study of Tweeks Based on Waveguide Mode Theory. - Proc. InsL. Atmos. Nagoya U!iiv., 1960, 7, 58; 1967, 14, 56,

723. Chapm.an F. W., Llanwyn Jones D., Todd F. D., Challinor R. A. Observation of the Propagation Constant of the Earth Ionosphere Waveguide in tlxe Fi-equency Band 8 c/s to 16 kc/s. -Radio Sci., 1966, 1, 1177, 1273.

724. Schumann W. 0., Konig H. Uber die beobachtung von Atmospherics bei geringster Frequenzen. - Naturwissenschaften, 1954, 41, N 8; Z, angew. Phys 1959, 11, N 7,

72o. Raiser MWagner C, A. Measurements of the Spectrum of Radio Noise From 50 to 100 c/s. - J, Res. Nat. Bureau Stand., 1960, 64D, N 4; Nature, 1960, 188, N 4751.

726. Balser MWagner C. A. On Frequency Variations of Earlh-Ionosphere Cavity Modes. - J. Geophys. Res., 1962, 67, N 2, N 10,

727. Raemer H. R. On the Extremely Low Frequency Spectrum of Earth lonospliere Cavity Response to Electrical Storms. - .T. Geophys. Res., 1961, 66, N 5; 1962, 67, N 2, N 10; J. Res. Nat, Bureau. Stand 1961, 65D, N 6.

728. Harris F. В., Tanner R. L. A Method for the Delermiiialion of Lower Ionosphere Properties by Means of Field Measurements of Spherics. - J. Res. Nat. Bureau. Sta!id., 1962, 66D, 463,

729. Polk C, Fitchen F. Schuinan Resoniuices of the Earth-Ion Kspher(? (Cavity Extremely- Low Frequency Reception at Kingston. - J. Res. Nat. Bureau. Stand., 1962, 66D, N 3.

730. Galejs J. Terrestrial Extremely Low Frequency Noise Spectrum in the Presence of Exponential Iono.spherio Conductivity Profiles. - J. Geophys. Res., 1961, 66, N 9.

731. Konig Я., Haine E., Antoniadis C. H. Messung von Atmosphorics geringster Frequenzen in Bonn. - Z. a!igew. Phys., 1961, 13, N 8, JN 10.

732. Михайлова Г, Л. О спектрах атмосфериков и фазовой скорости электромагнитных волн на сверхнизких частотах. - Геолшгн. и аэроном., 1962, 2, 257; 1965, 5, № 1.

733. Блиох Л . Я., Николаенко А. Я., Филиппов Ю. Ф. Суточные иариации собственных частот резонатчра Земля-ионосфера в связи с эксцентриситетом геомагнитного поля. - Геомагн. и аэроном., 1968, 8, 250.

734. Taylor W. L. Daytime Attenuation Rates in the VLF Band Using Atmospherics. - J. Res. Nat. Bureau. Stand., 1960, 64D, 349; 1963, 67D, N 5.

735. Taylor W. Jean A. G. Very Low Frtquency Radiation Spectra of Lightning Discharges. - J. Res. Nat. Bureau.Stand., 1959, 63D, 199.

736. Hepburn F., Pierce E. Atmospherics with Very Low Frequency Components. - Nature, 1953, 171, 837; Philos Mag., 1954, 45, 917.

737. Hepburn F. Atmospherics with Very Low Frequency Components Below 1 kc/s. - J. Atmos. and Terrest. Phys., 1957, 10, 266.

738. Liebermann L. Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Waves. II. Propagation Properties. - .T. Appl. Phys., 1955, 27, 1477.

739. Burgess B. VLF Phase Delay Variability and the Design of Long Range Navigation Aids. - Royal Aircraft Establish. Techn, Rept., 1968, 68D, 145.

740. Kimpara A. The Waveform of Atmospherics in the Daytime and Night. - Proc. Res. Inst. Atmos. Nagoya. Univ., 1956, 4, 1.

741. Белянский В. В., Михайлова Г. А. Об исследованияхCBoiicTB атмосфериков па сверхнизких частотах (ниже 1 кгц). - Геомагн. и а.9роном., 1961, 1, .№ 3.

742. Caton Р. G., Pierce E.F. the Waveioxms of Atmospherics. - Philos. Mag., 1952, 43, 393.

743. Morrison B. B. The Variation with Distance in the Range 0-100 km of Atmospherics Waveforms. ~ Pliilos. Mag., 1953, 44, 980.

744. Wait J. B. On the Theory of the Slow Tail Portion of Atmospherics Wave Forms. - J. Geophys. Res., 1960, 65, 1939.

745. Boive P. W. Tho Waveform of Atmospherics and the Propagation of Very Low Frequency Radio Waves.-Philos. Mag., 1951, 42, 121; 1953, 44, 833.

746. Bennoit В., Houri A. Propagation des frequences tres basses dans le systeme Terre- Ionosphere. - Ann. geophys., 1961, 17, N 4.

747. Альперт Я. ., Флигель Д. С., Михайлова Г. А. The Propagation of Atmospherics in the Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide. - J. Atmos. and Terrest. Phys., 1967, 29 29.

748. Westfall W. D. Diurnal Changes of Phases and Group Velocity of VLF Radio Waves. - Radio Sci., 1957, 2, 119.

749. Burgess B. An Experimental Determination of the Phase Delay ot VLF Radio Waves Propagation Ovin- Groat Distances. - MF, LF and VLF Radio Propagation Conference Publications, 1967, November N 36, 159,

750. Scarabucci B. В., de Mendonca F. Phase Measurements of VLF Transmissions Over an 11000 km Transequatorial Path. - Radio Sci., 1961, 2, 373.

751. Bies G. Results Concerning the Sunrise Effects of VLF Signals Propagation Over Long Paths. - Radio Sci., 1967, 2, 379, 551.

752. Rugg D. E. Theoretical Investigation of the Diurnal Phase and Amplitude Variations of VLF Signals. - Radio Sci., 1967, 2, 551.

753. A bbas M. Hydromagnetic Wave Propagation and Excitation of Schumann Resonances.- Planet. Space Sci., 1968, 61, 831.

754. Bycroft M. J. Resonances of the Earth-Ionosphere Cavity Observed at Cambridge, .England. - J. Ros. Nat, Bureau. Stand., 1965, 69D, N 8.

755. Larsen T. EgelandA. Fine Structure of the Earth-Ionosphere Cavity Resonances. - J. Geophys. Ros., 1968, 73, 4986.

756. Barron D. W. The Waveguide Mode Theory of Radio Wave Propagation wlien the Ionosphere in not Sharply Bounded. - Philos. Mag., 1959, 4, 1068.

757. Johler J. B. Magneto Ionic Propagation Phenomena in Low and VLF Radio Waves From the Ionosphere. - J. Res. Nat. Bureau. Stand., 1961, 65D, N 3; Proc. I. R, E., 1962, .50, 4.

758. Budden K. G. The Numerical Solution of Differential Equations Governing Reflexion of Long Radio Waves From the Ionosphere. - Proc. Roy. Soc, 1955, A227, 516; 1962, A265, 538,

759. Galejs J. On the Terrestrial Propagation of ELF and VLF Waves in tlie Presence of a Radial Magnetic Field. - J. Res. Nat. Bureau. Stand 1965, 69D, N 5.

760. Galejs J. Propagation of VLF Waves Below an Anisotropic Stratified Ionosphere with a Transverse Static Magnetic Field. - Radio Sci., 1967, 2, 557.

761. Pappert B. Л., Cossard E. E., Bothmuller I. J. A Numerical Investigation of Classical Approximations Used in VLF Propagation. - Radio Sci., 1967, 2, 387,

762. Watt A. D., Grughan B. D. Comparison of Observed VLF Attenuation Rates and Excitation Factors with Theory. - J. Res. Nat. Bureau. Stand., 1964, 68D, N 1.

763. Hanselman J, C, Casselman C. J., Tibbals M. L., Bickel J. C. Field Intensity Measurements at 10,2 he Is Over Reciprocal Path. - J. Res. Nat. Bureau. Stand., 1964, 68D, N 1.

764. Taylor W. Л. VLF Attenuation for East-West and West-East Daytime Propagation Using Atmospherics. - J. Geophys. Res., 1960, 65, N 7.

765. Rogerson J. E. Airborne Field Strength Measurements in the Region of the NPM Anti-pode. - Radio ScL, 1967, 2, N 6.

766. Snyder F. P., Bickel J. E. Measured Amplitude Variations of the 19,8 kcis Field of NPM Near its Anlipnde. - Radio Sci., 1967, 2, N 7.

767. BeghUi C. Ion-Electron Distribution in the Upper Ionosphere Above the F2 Peak at Low Middle Latitudes as Deduced From Whistler Observations. - Electron Density Profiles in Ionosphere and Exosphere*,* 1966, p. 587.

768. Appleton E. V., Beynon W. J. The Applications of Ionospheric Data to Radio Communication Problem. - Proc. Phys. Soc, 1940, 52, 518; 1947, 58, 59.

769. Fulton B. O., Sandoz B. 0 Warren E. The Lower Frequency Limits for F Layer Radio Propagation. - J. Geophys. Res., 65, 177, 1960.

770. Керблай T, C, Ковалевская E. M. Определение расстояния скачка радиоволны при распространении в горизонта.чьно-неоднородп011 ионосфере. - Геомагп. и аэроном., 1964, 4, 1077.

771. Керблай Т. С, Ковалевская Е. М. Расчет МПЧ при наличии горизонтально!! неоднородности ионосферы. - Геомагн. и аэроном., 1967, 7, 123.

772. Peterson Л. М. The Mechanism of F Layer Propagation Back-Scatter Echoes. - J. Geophys. Res., 1951, 56, 221; Proc Inst. Radio Eng., 1959, 47, 300.

773. Stein S. The Role of Ionospheric Layer Tilts in Long Range High Frequency Radio Propagation. - J. Geophys. Res., 1958, 63, 217, 391.

774. Silberstein R. The Use of Sweep Frequency Backscatter Data for Determiuing Oblique Incidence Ionospheric Characteristics. - J. Geophys. Res., 1958, 63, 335, 445.

775. Shearman E. D. A Study of Ionospheric Propagation by Means of Ground Backscatter. - Proc. I. E. E., 1956, 103B, 203, 210.

770. Croft T, A. VL. F. Radio Focusing Caused by the Electron Distribution Between Ionosphere Layers. - J. Geophys. Res., 1967, 72, 2343; J. Atmos. and Terrest. Phys., 1968, 30, 1051.

777. Mlya K., Kanaya S. Radio Propagation Prediction Considering Scattering WaAe of the Earths Surface. - Rept. Ionosphere Res. Japan., 1955, 9, I; 1957, 10, I; II, 3.

778. Kanaya S., Yokoi H. The Lateral Deviation of Radio Waves Propagated Along the Longer Groat Circle Path from Europe. - Rept. lo!io.sphere Space Res. Japan., - 1960, 14, 192, 435.

779. Miya K., Ueno K. Influence of Directivity of the Transmitting Antenna on the Bcari!ig-of HF Signals. - Kepi. Ionosphere Space Res. Japan 1960, 14, 187.

780. Hagg E. L., Rolfe W. A Study of Transatlantic Radiopropagation Modes at 41,5 mc/s. - Canad. J. Phys., 1963, 41, 221.

781. Dieminger W. The Scattering of Radio Waves. - Proc. Phys. Soc, 1951, B, 142.

782. Wilkins A. F. IIF Propagation - its Present and Future Use for CommunicatiO!i Purposes. - J. Brit. Inst. Radio Engs., 1960, 20, 239,

783. Bates H. F., Albee D. R., Hunsucker R. D. On the Relationship of the Aurora to Non-Great-Circle High-Frequoncy Propagation, J. Geophys, Res., 1906, 71, 1413.

784. Silberstein i?., Dicksan H. E. Great Circle and Deviated Path Observations on CW Signals Using a Simple Technique. - J. Inst. El. Eng. Transactions., 1965, AP13, 59

785. Warren E., Hagg E. L. Single Hop Propagation of Radio Waves to a Distance of 5300 km. - Nature, 1958, l8l, 34,

786. Kijl F. Single Hop Propagation of Radio Waves to a Distanci; oi 5300 km. - Nature, 1958, 181, 1459; J. Geophys. Res., 1962, 65, 1805.

787. Muldrew D. В., Maliphant R. G. Long Distance One Hop Ionospheric Radio Wave Pi-opagation. - J. Geophys. Res., 1962, 67, 1805.

788. Aono Y. Study of Radio Wave Propagation in Sweep Frequency Pulse Transmission Tests in Japan. -- Radio Res. Lab., 1962, 9, 127.

789. Utlaut W. F. Effect of Antenna Radiation Angles Upon HF Radio Signals Propagation Over Long Distances. - J. Res, Nat, Bureau. Stand 1901, 65D, 107,

790. Meadows R. W. An Experiment to Test the Reciprocal Radio Transmission Conditions Over an Ionospheric Path of 740 km. - Proc Inst. El. Eng., 1956, 103B, 224.

791. JullG. W.. PettersenG. W. Origin of Non Reciprocity on High Froqueiicy Ionospheric Paths. - Nature, 1964, 201, 483.

792. Budden K. G Jull G. W. Reciprocity and Non Reciprocity With Magneto Ionic Rays, - Canad. J. Phys., 1964, 42, 113.

793. Obayashi T. A Possibility of the Long Distance IIF Propagation Along the Exospheric Field Aligned Ionizations. - Rept. J. Space Res. Japan, 1959, 13, 177.

794. Knecht R. W., Russel S. Pulsed Radio Soundings of the Top Side of the Ionosphere in the Presence of Spread F. - J. Geophys. Res., 67, 1178, 1902,

795. Gullet R. M., Utlaut W. F. Evidence of the Laminar Nature of the Exosphere Obtained by Means of Guided High Frequency Wave Propagation. - Phys. Rev, Let 1901. 0, 591,

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